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DALL·E 2024-03-28 11.10.11 - Create an image that looks like a book cover for 'Banned Busi

Pricing is an integral part of business performance. It’s also the topic that elicits the firmest opinions in the workplace, and unlike other subjects, everybody’s got an impassioned belief about their company’s pricing.


That said, most companies need to do a better job of managing prices. Even with established pricing departments, a firm can drift for years at the whims of senior leadership that doesn’t follow best practices and sets bad examples by approving unnecessary discounts.


Follow the story of Scott Evans, Maplex’s newly appointed pricing leader as Fran Leverton, a pricing guru, guides him through the most critical steps in building the foundation for success. This book provides the knowledge and inspiration to create an unparalleled pricing practice in any organization.

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